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The Columbus Myth Exposed At Last!!

How the Spanish Inquisition Stole the New World from England!!

Portuguese Christopher Columbus


On August 3, 1492, Christopher Columbus set sail from Spain with 3 ships: the Niña, the Pinta and the Santa María. He used the maps and charts of a dead pilot named Alonso Sanchez and arrived on the island of Santo Domingo on Oct.12. Martin Alonso Pinzón, the captain of the Pinta was the first to land, followed by Vicente Yañez Pinzón, the captain of the Niña.

On Oct. 28, he proceeded to another ISLAND named Cuba. He left those ISLANDS on Jan. 2, and arrived back in Spain on March 15, 1493. He never saw or set foot on the mainland of the New World until his 3rd voyage, 6 years later on August 5, 1498.

Immediately after his discovery of some ISLANDS off the coast of the mainland, his sponsors Ferdinand and Isabella, petitioned the Pope to give them not only the ISLANDS which Columbus had discovered but the still undiscovered MAINLAND!!

By coincidence it just so happened that a Spanish Pope by the name of Rodrigo Borgia was the head of the church of Rome at that time. He drew a line from the North Pole to the South just west of Africa (Cape Verde Islands) and he gave everything WEST of that line to the Spanish. Due to complaints by the Portuguese, the line was later moved further west but Pope Alexander never approved of that change.

Pope Alexander VI gave the New World to Spain

Pope Alexander VI (Rodrigo Borgia) used a FORGED document called the Donation of Constantine as his authority for giving the New World to Spain:

"Wherefore, in order that the supreme pontificate may not deteriorate, but may rather be adorned with glory and power even more than is the dignity of an earthly rule; behold, we give over and relinquish to the aforesaid our most blessed Pontiff, Sylvester, the universal Pope, as well our palace, as has been said, as also the city of Rome, and all the provinces, places and cities of Italy and the western regions"

This Donation was a blatant counterfeit from the Dark Ages. There never was a Pope Sylvester as Roman Emperor Constantine was the first Pope.

Pope Alexander VI took time out from his busy schedule of watching bullfights by day and having orgies at night to write a BULL giving the New World to Spain and warning every other nation to keep "hands off."

"Furthermore, under penalty of excommunication late sententie to be incurred ipso facto, should anyone thus contravene, we strictly forbid all persons of whatsoever rank, even imperial and royal, or of whatsoever estate, degree, order, or condition, to dare, without your special permit or that of your aforesaid heirs and successors, to go for the purpose of trade or any other reason to the islands or mainlands, found and to be found, discovered and to be discovered, towards the west and south, by drawing and establishing a line from the Arctic pole to the Antarctic pole.... Let no one, therefore, infringe, or with rash boldness contravene, this our recommendation, exhortation, requisition, gift, grant, assignment, constitution, deputation, decree, mandate, prohibition, and will. Should anyone presume to attempt this, be it known to him that he will incur the wrath of Almighty God and of the blessed apostles Peter and Paul.
Given at Rome, at St. Peter's, in the year of the incarnation of our Lord one thousand four hundred and ninety-three, the fourth of May, and the first year of our pontificate" (Papal Bull granting the New World to Spain, May 4, 1493).

Pope Alexander VI (1492-1503), the infamous Borgia, gave the New World to Spain. He was a MONSTER of iniquity even by the standards of his day.

  "There is more than one Chamber of Horrors in the Museum of History, but none like that of the Borgia. The central figure is that of Rodrigo Borgia, who as Alexander VI sat on the papal throne for eleven years; around him are grouped his mistresses; a brood of bastard children; a retinue of henchmen and an endless procession of victims. It was the darkest period in the life of Christianity, just before the dawn of the Reformation. Rome had become a sink of unspeakable corruption where, in the words of Dante, "Christ was sold every day" (Bond, In the Pillory, The Tale of the Borgia Pope, p. 9).

The King and Queen of Spain had many spies in Bristol and London notifying them of the Cabot voyages of discovery!!

The real motivation for sending Columbus was the voyages of Discovery of John Cabot:

"The fleet he (John Cabot) prepared, which consisted of five was provisioned for a year. News has come that one of these, in which sailed another Friar Buil, has made land in Ireland in a great storm with the ship badly damaged. The Genoese kept on his way. Having seen the course they are steering and the length of the voyage, I find that what they have discovered or are in search of is possessed by Your Highness because it is at the cape which fell to Your Highness by the convention with Portugal. It is hoped they will be back by September. I will let Your Highnesses know about it"(Pedro de Ayala letter from London).

Ferdinand the Catholic (1452-1516), King of Aragón.

Ferdinand and Isabella sent Alonso de Hojeda on a murderous mission to destroy the New World colony of John Cabot.

As in the case of the "Invincible" Armada, the Portuguese were partners in crime with the Spanish in the effort to stop the English exploration.

Isabella the Catholic (1451-1504), Queen of Castile and León.

Ferdinand and Isabella (Ahab and Jezebel) together made up the united kingdom of Spain. They were determined to stop the English colonization of the New World at any cost. Their daughter, Catherine of Aragon, eventually became the wife of Henry VIII. This marriage alliance would give them an excuse to maintain a large diplomatic mission as their eyes and ears at the London Court.

Having heard of the plans of the King of England to send out a new expedition, Ferdinand and Isabella sent a notorious conquistador and cold blooded murderer named Alonso de Hojeda to intercept them.

Alonso de Hojeda was licensed to kill by Ferdinand and Isabella!!

Alonso de Hojeda

Mapmaker Juan de la Cosa

Amerigo Vespucci

Ferdinand and Isabella granted Alonso de Hojada a license to kill and sent him to intercept the Cabot expedition. This was a practical demonstration of the Papal Bull of their boss, Pope Alexander VI.

"Item: that you go and follow that coast which you have discovered, which runs east and west, as it appears, because it goes toward the region where it has been learned that the English were making discoveries; and that you go setting up marks with the arms of their Majesties, or other signs that may be known, such as shall seem good to you, in order that it be known that you have discovered that land, so that you may stop the exploration of the English in that direction"(Alonso de Hojeda license to kill).

Hojeda set sail from Spain on May 20, 1499, with 4 ships. He was accompanied by mapmaker Juan de la Cosa and Amerigo Vespucci claimed to have sailed with them.

They intercepted the Cabot expedition somewhere off the coast of Venezuela. All the men were killed and their maps stolen. This was a flagrant act of war by the Pope and Spain upon a peaceful voyage of discovery

Here is a quote from a Spanish historian named Martín Fernández de Navarrete:

"It is certain that Hojeda in his first voyage (that of 1499) encountered certain Englishmen in the vicinity of Coquibaçoa" (Colección de los viages y descubriementos, vol. III, Madrid, 1829, p. 41).  

The Spanish text reads:
"Lo cierto es que Hojeda en su primer viage halló á aciertos ingleses par las immediaciones de Coquibaçoa" (Martin Fernandez de Navarrete).

The famous Juan de la Cosa map.

Only John Cabot had charted the New World coastline up to that time. Here is the oldest map of the New World showing English flags all the way from Newfoundland to Florida. For 3 centuries it lay in the secret archives of the Vatican until it was carried to Paris by Napoleon Bonaparte in 1810.

The Juan de la Cosa map.

The Juan de la Cosa map.

Famous map by Juan de la Cosa from the year 1500. It shows the flags of Castile and Leon in the vicinity of Cuba and the English flags covering all of the New World coastline from Florida to Canada.


Map showing English flags on New World.

Map showing English flags on New World.

The original parchment of this map or chart, a piece of ox-hide measuring 37.5 x 72 inches (96 X 183 cm), superbly illustrated in ink and water colors, was found in 1832 in a shop in Paris by Baron Walckenaer, a bibliophile and the Dutch Ambassador, and was brought to the attention of the world the following year by Alexander Humboldt, the famous German scholar. Upon the death of Baron Walckenaer in 1853 the map was purchased by the Queen of Spain, and though greatly deteriorated, is now the chief treasure of the Museo Naval in Madrid.

When Napoleon invaded Rome in 1810, a portion of the vast secret archives of the Vatican were taken to Paris for a world library that Napoleon planned to build. After his defeat, many of the documents were taken back to Rome but many were left behind. This map was one of the priceless items left behind and ended up in a Paris bookshop. (Ambrosini, The Secret Archives of the Vatican, p. 291).

How America got its name. A Vespucci sting operation!!

Amerigo Vespucci (1451-1512).

Amerigo Vespucci as a boy. This earliest known portrait shows him in front of a image of the Madonna.


Portrait and signature of Vespucci, 1508.

Vespa from which the name Vespucci is derived is the Italian word for WASP. The entire New World has received a nasty sting of venom from the wasp Amerigo Vespucci.

Amerigo Vespucci (son of Nastagio Vespucci) was born into the rich money lending Vespucci family in Florence, Italy on March 9, 1451. The family was related to the rich and powerful money lending Medici banking cartel. Several of the Medici dynasty became Popes among them was the infamous Leo X who excommunicated saint Martin Luther:

"Amerigo had to cross Florence twice daily to attend a private school at the Convent of San Marco conducted by his uncle, (Dominican) Father Giorgio Antonio Vespucci. There one of his schoolmates was Pier Soderini who rose to be gonfaloniere (prime minister) of the Florentine Republic—to whom he addressed his famous Lettera. Amerigo entered the commercial house of Lorenzo di Pier Francesco de' Medici, who sent him in 1491, after twenty years' service, to Seville as head employee of a Medici affiliate, Juanoto Berardi. He was then almost forty years old. At Seville his main business was merchant banking and ship chandlery. Upon the death of Berardi in 1495, Vespucci became head of the house, and as such helped to outfit Columbus's fleet for the Third Voyage in 1498."(Morison, The European Discovery of America, vol. II, p.279).
John Cabot's Bristol paymaster was named Richard Amerike!!

Intimate details of the Cabot voyages were sent back to Spain including maps. Now it so happens that John Cabot had a paymaster named Richard Amerike. John Cabot had a habit of giving away islands to his friends:

"I have also spoken with a Burgundian, one of Messer Zoane's companions, who corroborates everything. He wants to go back, because the Admiral, which is the name they give to Messer Zoane, has given him an island. He has given another to his barber, a Genoese by birth, and both consider themselves counts, while my lord the Admiral esteems himself at least a prince" (Letter to the Duke of Milan about John Cabot's discovery of the New World).

It is certain that John Cabot wrote the name of his paymaster (Amerike) on one of the islands or perhaps on the MAINLAND ITSELF:

" . . .but with the help of the enclosed copy you (Columbus) will be able to ascertain what you wish to know, since the capes of tierra firma and the islands are therein named and you will also see there where the first landfall [primera vista] took place, because it was on the return [course] that was found the major part of the land. "(John Day's letter to Columbus).

When Verspucci saw the name Richard Amerike either on a map of the New World or among the papers of John Cabot he noticed the similarity of names. Right there and then his devilish mind began to concoct a scheme to supplant Richard Amerike and name the New World after himself.

A Catholic historian named Bartolomé de la Casas wrote about the "long premeditated plan of Vespucci to have the world acknowledge him as the discoverer of the largest part of the Indies." (de las Casas, History of the Indies, p. 95).

Amerigo Vespucci never voyaged to the New World!!

Because of the similarity of names, the Florentine fraudster saw the opportunity to steal a whole New World from the English and name it after himself. He was a usurer or moneylender by profession so stealing or reaping where others have sown was no problem for him as that was his chosen profession!!

Memorial brass of Richard Amerike's daughter Joan, in Bristol, England.


Richard Amerike was the paymaster for John Cabot!!

"Fig.25: Memorial brass of Richard Amerike's daughter Joan, and her husband John Brook, to be seen virtually alongside that of John Jay in the chancel of Bristol's St. Mary Redcliffe church. The Latin inscription reads: 'Here lies the body of that venerable man John Brook, serjeant-at-law to that most illustrious prince of happy memory King Henry VIII and Justice of Assize for the same king in the western parts of England, and chief steward of the honourable house and monastery of the Blessed Mary of Glastonbury in the County of Somerset in which John died on the 25th day of December 1522. And near him rests Joan his wife, one of the daughters and heirs of Richard Amerike, on whose souls may God have mercy, Amen." (Wilson, The Columbus Myth, p.167).

If the New World was named after Vespucci it would be named Vespuccius after his last name. At that time, commoners used their last names and royalty used their first names when naming countries. If the continent was named after Christopher Columbus it would be named COLUMBIA. . . .This is more evidence that Vespucci stole the name from Richard Amerike.

Editor's Notes

As the great Discoverer of the New World sailed down the River Avon, he would pass Brandon Hill named after the GREAT Hibernian missionary St. Brendan, who arrived on the same continent 1,000 years beforehand. A shrine was erected in his honor and sailors would pray for protection to the saint. The shrine was torn down at the time of the Reformation and sailors were admonished to pray to the God of St. Brendan . . . and not to St. Brendan . . . for protection.



Brandon Hill, named after the great Hibernian missionary St. Brendan.



Vital Links


Ambrosini, Lucy with Mary Willis.The Secret Archives of the Vatican. Little, Brown & Co., Boston, 1969.

Broome, Rodney.The True Story of How America Got Its Name. MJF Books, New York, 2001.

Biddle, Richard. A Memoir of Sebastian Cabot. Philadelphia, 1831. Reprinted in 1915.

Casas, Bartolomé de las. History of the Indies. Harper & Row, New York, 1971,

Harrisse, Henry. The Discovery of North America. N. Israel, Amsterdam, 1961.

Harrisse, Henry. The Diplomatic History of America: Its First Chapter (1452-1494). B. F. Stephens Pub. London, 1897.

Hoffman, Bernard G. Cabot to Cartier. University of Toronto Press, 1961.

Hibbert, Christopher. The House of Medici, Its Rise and Fall. William Morrow, New York, 1975.

Lester, Edwards C. The Life and Voyages of Americus Vespucius. New Amsterdam Book Co., New York 1903.

Morison, Samuel Eliot. The European Discovery of America. in 2 volumes, Oxford University Press, 1974.

Morison, Samuel Eliot. Admiral of the Ocean Sea, A Life of Christopher Columbus. Little, Brown & Co., Boston, 1942.

Navarrete, Martín Fernández de, Colección de los viages y descubriementos. 5 volumes, Madrid, 1829.

Pohl, Frederick J. Amerigo Vespucci Pilot Major. Octogon Books, New York, 1966.

Quinn, David Beers. England and the Discovery of America. Alfred A. Knopf, New York, 1974.

Wilson, Ian. The Columbus Myth, Did Men of Bristol Reach America Before Columbus? Simon & Schuster, London, 1991.

Wilson, Ian. John Cabot & the Matthew. Redcliffe Press, Bristol, England, 1996.

Williamson, James, A. The Voyages of the Cabots & The English Discovery of North America. Argonaut Press, London, 1929.

Copyright © 2007 by Niall Kilkenny

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