Question: What is wrong with this picture?? The giant Pentagon standing army headquarters in Washington City!!
A standing army may be OK in a monarchy or dictatorship, but the last place it belongs is in a freedom-loving REPUBLIC like the United States. In the U.S. schools, the children are taught that the colonists separated from Great Britain because of objections to taxation without representation. That is only half the truth, and half the truth is worse that an outright lie....It was the reason for the taxes that was most objectionable to the colonists . . . namely to support a STANDING ARMY in peacetime. This is exactly what is happening in the U.S. today with a Pentagon budget of over 500 BILLION DOLLARS paid for by the taxpayers!! The 7 Years' War or French and Indian War ended in 1763.... In 1768, 2 regiments of British soldiers under general Gage landed in Boston harbor, and this was the real commencement of the War of Independence:
At the end of the 7 Years' War, Great Britain was the most powerful nation in the world. This excited the enmity of Spain and France, and plans were prepared to separate the New World colonies from the mother country.
It is easy for armchair historians to write about historical events hundreds of years after they happen, but Mercy Otis Warren was THERE in Boston during these momentous times, and was personally acquainted with all the leaders of the Revolution.
Here is a quote from her eye-opening book:
Here is another quote from her eye-opening book:
Here is a quote by a GREAT Briton, written in the year 1697, about the menace of STANDING ARMIES to the liberties of the people:
And another quote about the menace of standing armies within the seat of government:
Since the beginning of Vatican Council II or the ECUMENICAL MOVEMENT in 1962, the Jesuits have controlled the Pentagon from behind the scenes. They are waging war with weapons of MASS DESTRUCTION against the enemies of their general . . . as well as former friends and allies of the United States....This is an old Jesuit trick of using an enemy to destroy and enemy!! This situation is all déjà vu because today's events all happened before when the Jesuits were able to create a standing army in Great Britain and use that army . . . and navy . . . to wage war on their closest ally and friend—heroic Holland!! The ecumenical movement in Great Britain In 1603, the gracious Queen Elizabeth I died unexpectedly of the effects of poisoning....Her reign was like walking on a tightrope or through a minefield because she was determined to return England . . . and Ireland . . . to CATHOLIC and APOSTOLIC Christianity. Elizabeth was resolved to stop the impoverishment of the kingdoms of England and Ireland by preventing the sending of huge sums of money to Rome for "Peter's Pence, First Fruits, Pardons, Appeals, Dispensations, Palls and other such like." Here is an excerpt of a letter from Elizabeth to the Roman bishops who DEMANDED that she recognize their religion:
As well as restoring the true Gospel to England and Ireland, Elizabeth was determined to follow up on the discoveries of John Cabot by planting a colony in Virginia. At that time, Virginia encompassed ALL of the northern part of the New World. Her zeal for the Truth, and her desire to colonize the New World, were the main reasons why the "Invincible" Armada was launched against her in 1588. The peace loving Elizabeth did her utmost to keep her nation at peace and did not maintain a standing army . . . or navy . . . even though she was surrounded by powerful enemies. Elizabeth was succeeded by James VI of Scotland and Jesuit tactics changed completely with his ascension. Invasion from the outside was abandoned in favor of the Trojan horse ecumenical strategy.
His son, Charles I, was beheaded by Cromwell's standing army in 1649 as a warning to subsequent kings to obey the Jesuits . . . or suffer the same fate!! In 1604, the Treaty of London was signed ending the 45 year war between the two countries. England was allowed to trade in the Spanish held European territories but the New World was strictly off limits. Of course the Spanish war of extermination with heroic Holland continued to rage as fiercely as ever. James even tried to marry his son Charles to the Infanta Maria of Spain. That marriage attempt failed and he married a French princess instead. Jesuit standing army made war on England, Scotland, Ireland, and heroic Holland!! Thanks to their new ecumenical strategy, the Jesuit standing army was well established by 1640. England fought a series of 3 Civil Wars: (1642-1646), (1648-1649), (1649-1651). The Parliamentarians were called Roundheads, and the Royalists were called Cavaliers. The Jesuits manipulated and controlled BOTH sides. The Roundheads, led by Oliver Cromwell, executed King Charles I in 1649. Then Cromwell invaded Ireland in September 1649, with a small army of about 12,000 men. The Jesuit papal nuncio, Giovanni Battista Rinuccini, had just left the country after advising the Irish not to resist Cromwell. The Jesuits desperately needed "martyrs" after all their horrible atrocities in France, Holland, and Germany. Here are just 3 leaders of the Jesuit standing army . . . and navy: The Jesuits managed to demonize the Dutch in England by engineering the 1623 Amboyna "massacre" in which the Dutch were supposed to have massacred 20 Englishmen in the Far East.... It was used to great effect for propaganda purposes by the Jesuits to sell their war of aggression against heroic Holland. We see this technique used by them time after time in the succeeding centuries.
These wars with heroic Holland were a direct result of the perfidious ecumenical movement in Great Britain. The ecumenical movement in the United States!! With the sudden death by poisoning of imperious Pope Pius XII in 1958, the Jesuits launched their ecumenical movement in the United States . . . and selected countries around the world.
Under orders from general Pedro Arrupe, Pope John XXIII inaugurated the Trojan horse ecumenical movement or Vatican Council II. The Latin Mass was dumped along with the dogma: there is no salvation outside the Church of Rome....All religions were now going to get you to Heaven as long as you were sincere. Under the teachings of Vatican II, sincere Communists, "Jews", Buddhists, Hindus, Moslems, atheists etc., etc. were all going to Heaven . . . as long as they were SINCERE!! Among the multiplicity of "changes" brought about by Vatican II was the teaching that Protestants were no longer "heretics" but SEPARATED BRETHERN!! Hundreds of monasteries were closed down and the monks were told to join the U.S. government and military....In like manner, nunneries were closed and the nuns were ordered to join the public school system as "teachers". This was in spite of the fact that the public school system is utterly condemned by the Syllabus of Errors!! Like King Charles I, President Kennedy was publicly executed as a warning to subsequent Presidents to obey the Jesuits . . . or suffer the same fate!! Soon the effects of all the "changes" of Vatican II were readily apparent in the foreign policy of the U.S. as the country began to viciously attack old friends and close allies. Serbia was the first victim of the new ecumenical strategy!! Before 1999, Serbia and the U.S. were close friends and allies....A super Serb named Nikola Tesla actually ELECTRIFIED the United States . . . and the entire world . . . with his 3 phase alternating current electrical system. The heroic little nation of Serbia was the first victim of this Trojan horse strategy. Serbia was one of the best friends of the U.S. during World War II. As a matter of fact, Serbia saved the world from Adolf Hitler by postponing his invasion of Russia by 5 weeks. In the spring of 1941, Hitler was ready to invade the Soviet Union with the largest invasion force in the history of the world. This invasion force was supplied with oil by the Rockefeller owned Standard Oil Co., and trucks by the Ford Motor Co. The Serbs forced a postponement of the invasion by up to 5 weeks. This delay was fatal for Hitler and changed the course of World War II.
In 1999, the Pentagon began a brutal air campaign against Yugoslavia entitled Operation Allied Force (FARCE) which lasted from March 24 to June 10. Of course the Serbs were demonized by the Pentagon controlled press and they were accused of committing horrible atrocities against the Kosovo Albanians.
Operation Allied Farce killed everything that moved on the ground in Serbia but most of the victims were women and children:
Nothing was sacrosanct in Belgrade and the Pentagon targeted hospitals and embassies of foreign countries. Under international law, bombing an embassy is considered an act of war against that country:
This war with Serbia was just the prelude or warn up for another dastardly attack on a long time U.S. ally namely IRAQ. Iraq was the next victim of the new ecumenical strategy!! Iraq is the cradle of civilization, and was the birthplace of Abraham—the father of the faithful.
Iraq supported the allies during World War II:
Many of the fake "Jews" actually financed and fought for Hitler. When Hitler began to lose the war, the Jesuit general ordered the Nazis to throw some of the "Jews" into concentration camps as it would have great propaganda purposes for the founding of the state of "Israel." Iraq NEVER recognized the "Jews" claim to Palestine and that is why the invasion of Iraq took place in March 2003. Before the bombing and invasion, Saddam Hussein and the Iraqi people were demonized by the Pentagon controlled press, just like the Dutch centuries earlier, and the Serbs in 1999.
The Pentagon began a reign of total destruction and terror in beautiful, historic Iraq—the birthplace of civilization:
Here are some excerpts from a book by Washington insider Bob Woodward, who revealed the real reason for going to war with Iraq:
President Bush is totally IGNORANT of the Bible and history, because JEHOVAH supernaturally defeated the enemies of the real Jews without the help of armies. He was denying the "Jews" a chance to PROVE that they were the chosen people by hindering the Lord from working a miracle to protect them from Saddam Hussein!! Iraqis were not fooled by the creation of the state of "Israel" in 1948!! As we stated, the main reason for the aggression against Iraq was their refusal to acknowledge the claim of the people who call themselves "Jews" to the land of Palestine. The Iraqis are an ancient and wise civilization and are not easily fooled by charlatans and imposters:
Father Abraham came from Iraq and JEHOVAH did promise his descendents the land IF they kept his covenant and commandments. The history of JEHOVAH'S chosen people as recorded in the Old Testament is one of abject failure to keep his covenant and commandments. Finally, they rejected and crucified JEHOVAH himself when he came as their Messiah. The ancient nation of Israel came to a FINAL and COMPLETE end in 70 A.D. at the hands of the Roman army. The ONLY nation of Israel that exists today is the HOLY NATION—the true Congregation of Christ:
And another real Jewish prophet said:
If this WAILING WALL is part of the ancient Jewish temple that was destroyed by the Romans, then that makes JESUS a LIAR.... Whom will you believe.....JESUS the Son of God . . . or a bunch of fake "Jews"??
Is this state of "Israel" worth the life of ONE U.S. soldier seeing they deny the very Gospel of Christ that founded this great nation?? Vital Links The Pentagon was behind the Georgian invasion of South Ossetia References Camden, William (1551-1623). The History of the Most Renowned and Victorious Princess Elizabeth. University of Chicago Press, 1970. First published in 1627. Furdell, Elizabeth Lane. The Royal Doctors 1485-1714. Medical Personnel at the Tudor and Stuart Courts. University of Rochester Press, 2001. Hibbert, Christopher. The Virgin Queen: Elizabeth I, Genius of the Golden Age. Addison-Wesley Publishing Co., New York, 1991. Hutton, Anne (Translator). The Embassy in Ireland of Monsignor G.B. Rinuccini, Archbishop of Fermo, in the Years 1645-1649. Alexander Thom, Printer & Publisher, Dublin, 1873. Roger Hainsworth and Christine Churches. The Anglo-Dutch Naval Wars 1652-1674. Sutton Publishing, Gloustershire, UK, 1998. Mattox, Henry E. A Chronology of United States-Iraqi Relations, 1920-2006. McFarland & Co., Inc., Jefferson, North Carolina & London, 2004. Warren, Mercy Otis. History of the Rise, Progress and Termination of the American Revolution. (in 2 volumes), Liberty Fund, Indianapolis, Indiana, 1994. (Originally published by Manning & Loring, Boston, 1805). Woodward, Bob. Plan of Attack. Simon & Schuster, New York, 2004. Copyright © 2008 by Niall Kilkenny
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