
The angel Gabriel announced to the Prophet Daniel that 70 Weeks (490 years) would elapse until Messiah the Prince of Peace. That era was to begin at the end at the Babylonian Captivity of his people. The end of the Babylonian Captivity of the Christian Congregation ended in 1517, and that epochal year began the countdown to the Second Coming of the Messiah—Selah and Maranatha!

The Hebrew word for the ASSEMBLY of the believers was QAHAL. In Greek and Latin CONGREGATIO, in German GEMEINDE, and in English CONGREGATION.

Martin Luther became a MONK when he entered the Augustinian Order in 1505. At that time, most Latin Church members believed that the surest road to heaven was to enter a monastery, or nunnery, and spend your life doing penance....Penance was substituted for repentance in Jerome's corrupt Latin Version.

Saint Martin Luther

The Reformation began on October 31, 1517, when German monk Saint Martin Luther nailed his 95 Theses to the Castle Church door in Wittenberg, Germany.

Saint Martin anticipated Dominican monk Johann Tetzel's coming to town on "All Souls' Day" and filling his coffer with "coins for Christ."

In reality, the Dominican Inquisitor was raising money for Pope Leo X to rebuild St. Peter's Basilica.


“As a nail in a sure place”
(Isaiah 22:23).

The Germans did not celebrate the demonic holiday called Halloween, but their big day was All Souls' Day, which fell on November 2nd. That special day was set aside to pray for the souls in "Purgatory."

Pope Gregory I (540604).
Pope from 590 to 604.

The mythical "Purgatory" was invented by Pope Gregory I, who was canonized as "Saint" Gregory.

He is also called "Gregory the Great" because his "Purgatory" false doctrine sent millions of souls to hell . . . and made the Vatican's coffers ring with silver and gold coins!

When a brazen indulgence seller named Johann Tetzel approached Wittenberg, he aroused the righteous indignation of Martin Luther.

An indulgence was a virtual license to sin!


Dominican friar Johann Tetzel
1519) with his coffer!

The pompous, arrogant Dominican friar Johann (John) Tetzel came to town like the fake "Roman" emperor, with trumpets blaring, and he loved to repeat this little jingle to the credulous people:

As soon as the coin in the coffer rings,
the soul from Purgatory springs!

The real Saint's confrontation with Tetzel was the spark that ignited the blessed Reformation.

Christ returned symbolically in the person of Saint Martin Luther with a "little book" open!!

The Apocalypse is a continuation of the Book of Daniel. The visions are in chronological order, and present a panoramic view of the history of the world right down to the end of time. In Chapter 10, Christ returned to earth symbolically in the person of Saint Martin Luther . . . and then all hell breaks loose in the form of the Spanish Inquisition:

I saw another mighty angel coming down from heaven, clothed with a cloud. And a rainbow was on his head, his face was like the sun, and his feet like pillars of fire. He had a little book open in his hand. And he set his right foot on the sea and his left foot on the land, and cried with a loud voice, as when a lion roars. When he cried out, seven thunders uttered their voices. And when the seven thunders had uttered their voices, I was about to write and I heard a voice from heaven saying unto me "seal up those things which the seven thunders uttered and white them not " (Apocalypse 10:1-4).  

Christ had a "little book" open in his hand and that book was entitled On the Babylonian Captivity of the Congregation.

Cover of the book, On the Babylonian Captivity of the Congregation,
by the King of Kings!

In June 1520, to forestall publication of the book, Pope Leo X roared at the Reformer and gave him 60 days to disown the book . . . or face a fiery death at the stake!

Luther ignored the seven thunders, and published the book in October 1520.

King Henry VIII of England was also outraged by the book, and Sir Thomas More wrote a rebuttal entitled Defence of the Seven Sacraments.



Cover of the book Defence of
the Seven Sacraments
by Sir Thomas More.

For that ghostwritten book, Pope Leo X granted Henry the pompous title "Defender of the Faith." That "flattering title" was prescient because Mystery Babylon was about to move from the Tiber to the Thames!

King Henry soon regretted that the book bore his name because he was about to divorce Roma over the burning issue of INCEST . . . or Kissin' Cousins.

Pope Leo X (1475–1521).
Pope from 1513 to 1521.

As soon as the Bull arrived in Wittenberg, Luther and the professors at the university consigned it to the flames!

That "bonfire of the vanities" was held on December 10, 1520.

Also consigned to the flames were the Decretals of Clement VI., the Summa Angelica, the Chrysposus of Dr. Eck etc., etc.


Wittenberg University students collected
all the Papal writings, and Dr. Martin
consigned them to the flames!

Almost 1260 years earlier, there was another "bonfire of the vanites" when Saint Paul preached the Word at Ephesus:

Also, many of those who had practiced sorcery brought their books together and burned them in the sight of all. And they counted up the value of them, and it totaled fifty thousand pieces of silver (Acts 19:19)

That "bonfire of the vanities" was the commencement of the burning of Babylon on the Tiber (Apocalypse 18:8). Soon the prophetic drama shifted from the city of the Twins to the city on the Thames!

Pope Adrian VI (1459–1523).
Pope from 1522 to 1523.


Because he gave a "flattering title" to King Henry VIII, Pope Leo was soon removed from the scene (Job 32:22).

Pope Adrian VI joined him in "Purgatory" just 2 years later.

During his 30-plus years as a fearless Reformer, Saint Martin had to contend with 4 Popes.



Pope Clement VII (1478–1534).
Pope from 1523 to 1534.

It was safer to be the son of the Sultan of Turkey than a Pope when Saint Martin began the exodus from Mystery Babylon on the Tiber.

Emperor Charles V (1500–1558).
Misruled from 1519 to 1556

Since the publisher would not appear at Roma, Emperor Charles V convened a Diet at Worms to awe the Reformer into disowning the "little book."

In return for disowning one book, the emperor promised to lift the ban of excommunication!

That "little book" was entitled On the Babylonian Captivity of the Congregation.

Saint Martin defending his writings at the
Diet of Worms, June 1521.

After Luther's heroic defense of his writings, Charles V placed him under the ban of the Empire. Luther found refuge in the Wartburg Castle where he translated the Bible into German.

Events moved swiftly after Christ come down from heaven with the "little book." "Defender of the Faith" King Henry VIII was desperate to obtain a divorce from Catherine of Aragon in order to marry the English Queen Esther!

In June 1527, the soldiers of the fake "Roman" Emperor sacked Roma and looted the city for an entire year.

The 1527 Sack of Roma by
Francisco Javier Amérigo.

In spring 1527, King Henry VIII sent a shipload of gold to Pope Clement VII to "persuade" the pontiff to grant him a divorce from Catherine of Aragon.

Unfortunately for Henry, Catherine was the niece of Charles V, and the Emperor was determined that Pope Clement would never grant a divorce!


The Swiss Guard are a living reminder
of the fall of Babylon on the Tiber!

That was the main reason for the Sack of Roma! It was also the beginning of the fall of Mystery Babylon on the Tiber.... King Henry never obtained his divorce, and the Swiss Guard are a living reminder of the fall of the first modern Mystery Babylon.

After the Diet of Worms, the fearless Reformer found his Isle of Patmos in the Wartburg Castle, and commenced his translation of the New Covenant from Greek into German. Satan was furious and full of hellish rage. That is when the memorable incident of throwing ink at the devil took place!

Sultan Suleiman I (1494–1566).
Misruled from 1520 to 1566.

During the pontificate of Clement VII, a huge Turkish army set out from Constantinople to crush the Reformation in its cradle.

Sultan Suleiman was determined to make a Tower of Skulls of all the Reformed Christians in Wittenberg.

The spring and summer of 1529 saw the worst torrential downpours in the history of Europe.


Edomite Josel of Rosheim was
financier for the "Terrible Turks."

No matter how fanatical the soldiers they won't fight unless they are paid, so Edomite Josel financed the "Terrible Turkish" invasion!

Emperor Charles V was a bitter rival of the Terrible Turks, but that did not stop him from attempting to send a vast Turkish army to conquer Germany. Edomite Josel financed the Turkish army as the monks bled Germany dry financially with the sale of indulgences!

King Louis II of Hungary

As the "Terrible Turks" were marching through Hungary, the boy king, Louis II, opposed them with a token army.

Louis was killed in the battle and his wife Mary became Dowager Queen of Hungary.

Mary was a bigoted Habsburg and the younger sister of fake "Roman" Emperor Charles V.

In 1531, her brother appointed her ruler of the Netherlands.


Queen Mary of Hungary (
Ruler of the Netherlands from '31 to '55.

The small country of Holland was the next country after Germany to embrace the glorious Reformation. Holland had a thriving book publishing industry, and most alarming for the Spanish, they started to publish maps of the New World.

Mary introduced the Spanish Inquisition into the Netherlands. Mapmaker Gerardus Mercator (1512–1594) was arrested by the Inquisition for espousing “Lutheran heresy,” but more importantly, for making maps that showed a flat earth!

Mercator was determined to make correct maps of the world, but King Charles did not want any other nations sharing his New World gold and silver. After 7 months in prison, Mercator recanted, and all world maps today (except the UN logo) are based on his false global earth projection!

Alessandro Farnese, aka Pope Paul III, was the last of the pontiffs who opposed the fearless Reformer before he met the author of the "little book" in heaven!

Pope Paul III (14681549).
Pope from 1534 to 1549.

In 1540, Pope Paul III officially recognized the Militia of Jesus, with Spaniard Ignatius Loyola as the first general or "Black Pope."

Like the White Pope, the Black Pope is elected for life! Since the founding the Jesuits that has been a total of 46 White Popes and only 30 Black Popes. Obviously, the Swiss Guard are not bread and wine tasters!

In 1545, he convened the Counter-Reformation Council of Trent, which made it mandatory for Catholics to believe in "Purgatory," with curses attached to anybody who rejected that mythical place!


Ignatius Loyola (1491–1556).
Black Pope from 1541 to 1556.

In 1542, that pontiff reestablished the defunct Roman Inquisition, and called it the "Holy Office."

After the fall of Babylon on the Tiber, the apocalyptic vision moved to Babylon on the Thames!!

When Saint John wrote the Apocalypse about 90 AD, Britannia was the wilderness. It was a wild and mysterious land whose inhabitants fiercely resisted incorporation into the civilized world.

So he carried me away in the spirit into the wilderness, and I saw a woman sit upon a scarlet coloured beast, full of names of blasphemy, having seven heads and ten horns (Apocalypse 17:3).

After his death, King Henry's will was altered to place females in the line of succession. The whole point of the "king's great matter" was the fact that he did not have a legitimate male heir to succeed him.

"Bloody Mary" Tudor" (15161558).
Her fiery reign lasted from '53 to '58.

"Bloody Mary" Tudor was the first female sovereign to misrule Britannia.

The English word queen means the wife of a king!

The she-wolf tried desperately to undo the blessed Reformation.

The symbolism of a woman riding the beastly political and religious system is taken right out of the Apocalypse.

The real daughter of King Henry VIII and Anne Boleyn would never play the role of Shake-speare.


The Elizabeth double carried by
her fawning courtiers.

During the reign of the double, momentous events were happening. In 1565, the Terrible Turks tried to conquer Europe once again, but were defeated at the Siege of Malta. In 1572 the horrible Saint Bartholomew's Day Massacre almost destroyed the Reformation in France. In 1588, the Invincible Spanish Armada was defeated and Britannia began commenced misruling the waves.

Portrait of the ag
ing queen before
her exodus to "Purgatory."

The aging and senile Queen Elizabeth I double chartered the East India Company just before she went to "Purgatory."

Her reign was all about jumpstarting the British Empire by uniting bitter foes England and Scotland.

The English people were guilt ridden for beheading Mary Queen of Scots so they offered the throne to her bastard son James.


The 13-stripes flag of the Leopard,
or the East India Company.

James was in fact the son of Mary Queen of Scots and her "musician" David Rizzo. Rizzio was a member of the newly-formed Militia of Jesus—the shock troops of the Counter-Reformation.

The third and final Mystery Babylon emerged after World War II

George Washington hated Philadelphia because of the Liberty Bell, and the fact that his slaves would be free after 6 months residence in the city. His first choice for a capital was Annapolis, Maryland.

Washington's first inaugural took place in
Federal Hall in NYC, April 30, 1789.

Washington was sworn-in as the nation's first President in New York City.

His mission was to jumpstart MYSTERY BABYLON THE GREAT (Apocalypse 17:5).

After 4 years, Congress forced George to return to the City of Brotherly Love!


The first Presidential mansion was located on
the corner of Pearl and Cherry Streets.

George Washington had great expectations for the united 13 colonies. Control of the North American continent mandated control of the mighty Mississippi River, and that could not happen until Napollyon sold the Louisiana Territory to the New Jerusalem in 1803.

General Andrew Jackson was the
Hero of the Battle of New Orleans.

A "Holy Roman" Empire States of America was supposed to follow the Leopard Revolution, but it was cancelled by the miraculous victory of General Jackson at New Orleans.

Babylon on the Hudson would not succeed Babylon on the Thames until centuries later!

The Battle of New Orleans on January 8, 1815.
Jackson commanding at the Battle
of New Orleans, January 8, 1815.

History does repeat itself in marvelous ways. About 30 years before the birth of the Messiah, the Battle of Actium occurred between Octavian and corrupt Queen Cleopatra. Queen Cleopatra and her lover Mark Antony committed suicide, and Egypt was annexed to the Roman Empire.

Ptolemaic Queen Cleopatra "Isis."
(69 BC
30 BC).

After the suicide of corrupt Queen Cleopatra and her lover Mark Antony, power shifted from the East to the West, and Roma became the capital of the world.

The Roman Empire became a superpower and dominated the entire Mediterranean world. Octavian was given the title "Augustus" and elevated to divine status.

It was during his peaceful reign that the Messiah was born in Bethlehem (Saint Luke 2:1).



Augustus Caesar (63 BC 14 AD).
Emperor from 27 BC to 14 AD.

World War II caused seismic geopolitical changes. All the nations of Europe were bankrupt, and Wall Street became the financial capital of the world.

Robert Moses

Robert Moses and the Port Authority of London, New York, and New Jersey were collecting millions in tolls prior to WWII.

It wasn't until after WWII that they had the opportunity to turn New York City into Mystery Babylon.

It began with the construction of the UN Tower of Babel, and then the creation of the smokescreen state of "Israel" in the Mideast.

At least 4 times during the Cold War the UN tried to start WWIII with the Soviet Union.


Tower of Babel under construction
in Midtown Manhattan, Sept. 1949.

Robert Moses did not live to see the demolition of his Twin Towers, but that false flag operation launched the first New World Crusade.

When the medieval Crusades finally ended, and the Catholics were expelled from the Mideast, the monks told the Catholics that Mohammed was more powerful than Christ!

The end of the Babylonian Captivity started the countdown to the first coming of the Messiah!!

The Patriarch Israel predicted that the Jewish nation would endure until Shiloh came:

The scepter shall not depart from JUDAH, nor a lawgiver from his loins, UNTIL SHILOH COMES; and unto him shall the gathering of the people be" (Genesis 49:10).

The time frame for the coming of Shiloh was narrowed down by the Angel Gabriel when he appeared to Daniel the Prophet:

Seventy weeks (490 years) are determined upon thy people and upon thy holy city, to finish the transgression, and to make an end of sins, and to make reconciliation for iniquity, and to bring in everlasting righteousness, and to seal up the vision and prophecy, and to anoint the most Holy. Know therefore and understand, that from the going forth of the commandment to restore and to build Jerusalem unto the Messiah the Prince shall be seven weeks, and sixty two weeks (483 years): the street shall be built again, and the wall, even in troublous times. And after sixty two weeks (483 years) shall Messiah be cut off, but not for himself: and the people of the prince that shall come shall destroy the city and the sanctuary; and the end thereof shall be with a flood, and unto the end of the war desolations are determined. And he shall confirm the covenant with many for one week: and in the midst of the week he shall cause the sacrifice and the oblation to cease, and for the overspreading of abominations he shall make it desolate, even until the consummation, and that determined shall be poured upon the desolate (Daniel 9:24-27).

The going forth of the commandment to restore and to build old Jerusalem was given in the first year of Cyrus king of Persia. 483 years later was the 15th year of the reign of Tiberius Caesar, when the Messiah was 30-years-old.

His ministry began around 26 AD and lasted 3.5 years. His dearth was the final sacrifice for sins, and his Resurrection on the Mount of Olives inaugurated the new era of everlasting righteousness to all who believe....3.5-years later the Gospel became universal with the conversion of the Roman centurion Cornelius, and the Apostle Paul on the Damascus Road.

Exactly 40 years after the Resurrection, the Romans destroyed the Great Temple in old Jerusalem, and the surviving Jews either accepted their Messiah or continued their suicidal wars against the invincible Roman Empire.

Vital links


Henry VIII. Assertio Septem Sacramentorum, or the Defence of the Seven Sacraments. Benziger Brothers, New York, 1908. (First published in 1521).

Luther, Martin. Martinus Lutherus contra Henricum Regem Anglie or Martin Luther Against Henry, King of England. Benziger Brothers, New York, 1908. (First published in 1522).

Copyright ©2021 by Patrick Scrivener

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